Following this operation, you should press the ‘Get Unlock Code’ button, which will redirect you to an online page where the code will become available if you pay a fee. Once the modem was detected, the program automatically reads its IMEI code using the built-in detection algorithm. The newer the product, the higher the fee In order to unlock it successfully, you need to specify the adjacent COM port of the device. Using Huawei Unlock Utility is quite simple, provided that your modem is connected to the computer and configured correctly. The unlock process is entirely based on the device’s IMEI code, which is a unique identifier of the modem. The utility is provided by FastGSM, a service that offers unlock codes for a variety of phone and modem models. Unlock your device with the help of the IMEI code

Luckily, applications such as Huawei Unlock Utility cone in handy handy by delivering a very simple and comfortable method of unlocking your Huawei modem or data card. When buying a new device it gets annoying to find out certain limitations are imposed by the service provider and a fee must be payed for full utilization.